Stock code:300098

About us

Chairman's speech

Looking back, Gosuncn has gone through 20 years. At the age of 20, for a person, it is a time of prosperity and full of fantasy. For Gosuncn, it has been blending for 20 years and experienced countless hardships and glory. Today, we are pleased to see that Gosuncn is growing from a toddler to a vigorous teenager. Regardless of the changes of the times, environmental changes and ups and downs, Gosuncn still grows vigorously.

Looking forward to the future, we see the development trend of high-definition, IP and intelligence in the security industry, and the market demand will develop rapidly. We will grasp the east wind of China's absolute market position in the international market, seize the development opportunity of the video internet of things, and realize the transformation and upgrading of the company's business. Gosuncn is confident that on the basis of the effective completion of the established strategic deployment, Further creative breakthroughs.

Innovation is a breakthrough in inheritance, a process practice of finding problems, solving problems and creating value, and the cornerstone culture of Gosuncn since its establishment. We pursue great creative and pledge to create a great enterprise with great innovation.

At the same time, we also know that in the process of innovation and on the way forward, "the biggest opponent is not others, but ourselves". To surpass ourselves, we must go out, bring in and take a global perspective. Only through integration can we connect, so that the world's excellent teams can be learned and used by me“ Setting a benchmark, learning from excellent teams and exploring the mystery of steady and sustainable development "will be the theme of Gosuncn in the next 15 years.

Fine and high-quality are the characteristics of an excellent team, which is bound to bring professional, fine and exquisite transformation to Gosuncn, so as to create products that exceed customers' expectations and win customers' absolute trust for us.

One step at a time to reach a thousand miles. Facing the boundless and broad future, Gosuncn is steady and passionate, and works with every employee to build Gosuncn into an enterprise full of gratitude and social responsibility.

Integrate innovative thinking to make a leap. In the face of the ever-changing international environment, Gosuncn moves in response to the situation, and works with every customer and partner to ignite Gosuncn's departure and walk side by side with China!


Intelligent City Internet of things product and service provider, providing city level comprehensive information operation service for consumers